"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."

- ABRAHAM MASLOW (1908 -1970)


"The Right Tools for the Right Job."

It’s an old saying that has been proven true over and over. Think about your conference; how many tasks or objectives miss perfect execution? What tools were used?

Tools in the event space are evolving quickly. The evolution, brought to us by a global pandemic, sweeps us along. Each day host of tools, platforms and websites clamor that they have the right fit, the perfect solution for the new virtual age. Don’t be fooled. One size does not fit all. As each conference is difference the virtual solution is equally different. I can help sort through the clutter.

Over 30 years of conference planning experience has revealed the importance of staying current with evolving trends, in both technology and best practices. This experience served my clients well as we pivoted to virtual and hybrid experiences. Clients still deserve the perfect tool set for their conference or event.

Robert Taylor Event Consulting can provide an array of tools that match the goals, objectives, budget and personality of your conference. Let’s get to work!


Events that inspire people.

"I try to live intentionally, and the things
that move me, I'm going to throw myself
at them. I want to see what my potential is.
I'm always curious to see what the edge is."

- Jimmy Chin


Tools for Your Event

This is a list of tools that can be put to work for you:

  • Virtual Event Solutions

  • Hybrid Solutions

  • Audio Visual Systems

  • Branding

  • Budgets

  • Contracting

  • Event Design (Goals and Objectives)

  • Marketing Plans

  • Mobile Applications

  • Polling Systems

  • Post-Event Surveys and Evaluations

  • Registration Systems

  • Site Evaluation and Selection

  • Trade Shows

  • Sponsorship

  • Staff Management

  • Transportation

  • Vendor Selection and Negotiation

  • Websites